Basketball Gear

Lead The Pack With The Finest Basketball Gear & Basketball Accessories

Arm Sleeves

Padded Sleeves

Padded Knee Sleeve

Arm Sleeves

Padded Sleeves

Padded Knee Sleeve

Leg Sleeve

Leg Sleeve

Wide Headband

Ninja Headband

Wide Headband

Ninja Headband

All Cotton Bands

Compression Shorts

3/4 Tights

All Cotton Bands

Compression Shorts

3/4 Tights

Full Length Tights

Full Length Tights

Sports Underwear

Face Covers

Sports Underwear

Face Covers


Number Pendants



Number Pendants


Inspirational Wristbands

Sleeveless Hoodies

Customize It!

Inspirational Wristbands

Sleeveless Hoodies

Customize It!

Sleefs basketball gear covers everything you need to complete your uniform. From a huge range of sleeves including basketball padded sleeves, arm sleeves and leg sleeves, through to wide headbands, we have it all. Feel at your best with our 3/4 tights, enjoy breathable fabrics with our cotton headbands, and adorn your outfit with our basketball accessories.