Benefits Of Spats Cleat Covers, Preventing Turf Pellets From Getting Into Football Cleats

Any player who has played on an artificial turf field is familiar with the activity of shacking tiny rubber pellets out of cleats, hair, and, sometimes, teeth. The artificial pellets fill the gaps between the long, plastic-y threads that are supposed to simulate grass. The playing surfaces are becoming more widespread in high school, university, and professional sports because they are easier to maintain and more weather resistant than grass fields. Athletes in other sports, however, prefer to play on grass, and turf can produce subtle but significant alterations to a game.

What Is Artificial Football Turf And What Is A Turf Field Made Of?

Turf fields are made entirely of artificial turf. The pile height is usually between 25mm and 35mm. These pitches have the best wear resistance, however, they play differently than natural pitches and restrict the usage of slide tackles owing to turf burn.

If your natural pitch is worn out, an artificial football field will provide far longer playing hours with less wear. This will be handy for hosting football tournaments and competitions. Schools are also suitable candidates for artificial football grounds, which are becoming more popular.

They are made up of three parts: synthetic turf, sand infill, and performance infill, which is usually rubber or EPDM. The pile height is normally between 35mm and 65mm.

Why Do Players Use Spats Cleats Covers?

Football players spit their cleats to improve ankle support and reduce injury risk. The additional layer of tape guards against other players' contact.

Top benefits include:

  • Spat covers provide the same function as tape spats. Instead of wasting tape, they utilize a cover that slips easily over the cleat.
  • Spat coverings are a preferable choice for those who do not have access to athletic tape.
  • Slip-on spats, called cleat covers, provide limited ankle support while maintaining a fashionable appearance.
  • They come in a range of colors and designs so you can match the colors of your sports team. Whether you want to match your favorite sports team or are looking to match your school uniform or squad colors, cleat covers are a versatile option. 
  • Spat covers protect and keep the cleats clean from pellets, reducing the risk of injury or damage. 

Sleefs, a growing company, has created personalized cleat covers with custom designs. These patterns are far more popular than standard tape. They are worn for fashion rather than for ankle support.

Can Turf Pellets Cause Injury? 

Although the information is conflicting, there is still a worry that playing on turf may represent a little higher injury risk than playing on grass. According to a new study published in The American Journal of Sports Medicine, playing football on turf may result in more PCL (posterior cruciate ligament) injuries than when playing the same game on a grass pitch.

Where To Buy Spats? 

If you're looking to buy Slip-on spats for football cleats or football cellars for turf, Sleefs has some of the best ones on the market right now.

Sleefs offers a large selection of bespoke and traditional cleat coverings. Their distinctive designs ensure that your custom cleat cover will be worn by no one else.

They also provide solid color cleat covers that may be customized to match the colors of your squad.

What is your preferred method of how to wear cleats? Do you use cleat coverings or football cleats for artificial turf? Please let us know in the comments!